Devlog 9: Production Sprint 2 week 2


In the previous week, you saw the timer counting down, but now, when it reaches 0, a random fighter swaps places with the god.

The main menu functionality is up and running, allowing players to easily start and exit the game. We also added an audio manager to play music and effects, and made the cursor stop going through walls. Plus, the HUD is no longer hard-coded, making the game more dynamic.

Additionally, when the game comes to an end, we display an end screen that showcases only the players who were present in the arena. The player who played as a fighter for the longest duration is declared the winner on this screen.



working a bit more on the lights to give our arena a nicer feeling then what it was before. This really gives us the underworldy mood we are looking for

updating the textures of the props. The first iterastions look too basic, so want want to give it a bit more highlight, texture and details                


We also made an end game screen, so you can show off your victory to the rest of the group! This screen is still subject to change for the polish sprint, but for now this is the version that is implemented into the game loop.


For recurring sounds, such as when the fighter shoots and hits an enemy, we have added a random pitch variation to add more dynamism.

Furthermore, the main theme song has now made its grand entrance into the arena.

Files 48 MB
May 08, 2023

Get Godly Gambit

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