Devlog 6: Production Sprint 1 week 3


We have given the god an additional ability: the ability to spawn a giant meteorite that instantly kills the player upon impact. We have designed it so that we can adjust the height and speed of the meteorite, allowing us to balance it later on or potentially set up strategic scenarios where the god can lure other players into the kill zone. We are excited to see what strategies you will employ in response to this new ability.


In addition, we have the model and texture for our health pick-up,
which will be used as an important item to collect as soon as they spawn,
either to extend your own life or to steal it from a competitor in desperate need.

Furthermore, we have also started working on the effects for when the characters (now with updated textures!) are running around,
as well as a trial for when one of our players receives damage.

The environment is slowly but surely taking shape, with the basic environment meshes already implemented.
Next, we will be working on the ground plane and a lava shader.
Once we have these elements in place, our little arena will have a completely different look and feel, greatly improving the overall experience.

Files 27 MB
Apr 17, 2023

Get Godly Gambit

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