Devlog 4 : Production week 1


This week we started production, which means we began working on a new project and approached it as if it were our first time doing so. It involved ensuring that everything was set up from scratch


This week, we implemented movement, health, and damage systems, shooting behaviors, and a weapon component.
We also established set rules for programming to ensure clarity for anyone joining the project or for code review purposes.
Fortunately, we didn't encounter any roadblocks as these are basic features that we already understood and could implement relatively quickly.
Additionally, we made a change to the weapon in the game, replacing the gun with a crossbow.
This change didn't differ much from the prototype, except for a decreased fire rate and increased damage output.


The first look at the weapons of our mighty fighters!
These can be the final colors, but small tweaks are still possible (for colorblindness).
Each fighter will also be the same highlight color as his designated weapon.

We opted for crossbows because we saw that as the best fit for a ranged weapon in a Greek style arena.

Additionally, we made the designs and models for our characters! They’re still in an A-pose without textures at the moment, but the design will give an insight in how the character will look at the end of production:

Image 1: The Fighter, Image 2:  The God

Each character will get the same design but a different color. In the images above you can see what the model will look like for the red player character and its God form.
This is what the model for the fighter currently looks like:

In addition to the Fighters, we also created the design & model for the enemies:

Next to characters, The pick-up design & model were created, in the design process we went over how it would work and what kind of effect would be used for spawning.

The shape can still receive a nudge in the right direction before texturing starts.

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Mar 27, 2023

Get Godly Gambit

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